Design and implementation – Complex delivery process to „turnkey“
„The way to minimize economic losses and risks in the next 10 years“
In connection with COVID-19, it can be stated that the basis for preventive and proactive preparation of increasing the resistance of technological and operational premises to COVID-19 is ventilation and air exchange, which is provided by air conditioning (HVAC) and filter-ventilation device (FVD) with sorption filtration to capture contaminants from the outside environment. Thus, a constant supply of fresh and filtered air to the rooms and exhaust of exhaled air.
Modern rail way – ensuring technological reliability
In 21st century, ensuring the quality of life and humanity, to give resistance during pandemics, the global warming, climate crisis, and against polluted outdoor and indoor air.
On 50 000 km2 in Slovakia so far – more than 250 implementation outputs executed in two buildings:
1/ Intelligent air conditioning and HVAC in a main building
2/ Construction: Automatic stabilization of environmental parameters in operational and technological rooms of RW.